A photo is worth a thousand words

I am in the middle of silly season at the moment. If I am not photographing a wedding I am sitting in my office editing images.
I do love my work though (if you can even call it work). One thing I always forget or should I be honest and say “put off”, is …. blogging.
I always have so much to say and so much going on in my head but when I sit down and try and share it online, I draw a complete blank and then invariably I start chatting to my mum or friends on certain social media sites that are best not mentioned (feel free to like my Facebook page at this point).
So I thought I would just let my photos speak for themselves…..
Right now I am busy working Grace and Rob’s wedding photos from last week, and I thought I’d share a few that I’ve done so far – I have their permission of course.
What do you think?